2023-06-09 DMRGateway-5 Created
2024-03-10 Updated/Upgraded to DMRGateway-6
Reminder: This DMRGateway version was developed to add the filtering that is missing in the pi-star version and to provide a method to handle 7 digit talk groups
This version adds filtering to lock a network such that none of the other networks will bleed through to the radio and
stop the hotspot from arbitrarily switching talk groups based on network activity and
stop the hotspot from going into tx mode from an unwanted network activity thus missing activity on the tg the radio is tuned to.(ie: Busy light - no audio)
A new parameter RawNet was added to /etc/dmrgateway in the [General] section
if RawNet=0 the DMRGateway-6 will not assume one of the networks is running in RAW Mode.
if RawNet=1 to 6 then the designated net will be handled as Raw Mode regardless of whether or not you are running the rest of the DMRGateway in 7 Digit or 8 Digit Mode.
Assuming Net4=TGIF and Net5=MNET and GWMode=8
if Rawmode=4, then
31665 will put you on Net 4 TGIF 31665 (Raw Mode)
15031665 will put you on Net 5 MNET 31665 (8 Digit Mode)
if GWMode=7 then
5031665 will put you on Net 5 MNET 31665 (8 Digit Mode)
This version runs in one of three modes.
1) Raw Mode - Radio on 31665 will use 31665 to the server.
TG9001 to 9006 will select and lock Network 1 thru Net6 similar to the openspot profile selection.
This will handle 7 digit talk groups
2) 7 Digit Mode. the left most digit 1 thru 7 will select and lock the corresponding network.
ie 4031665 will select 31665 thru network 4 to the server.
This mode WILL NOT handle 7 digit talk groups.
3) 8 Digit mode. The left two digits 11 to 16 will select and lock the corresponding Network 1 to Network 4
ie 14031665 will select 31665 thru network 4 to the server.
This mode will handle 7 digit talk groups via ReWrite rule.
Note: Sending TG9007 will turn off all DMRGateway Networks and enable XLX regardless of what mode was previously selected.
Sending a 9001-9006 or a 7 digit or 8 digit TG will turn off XLX and enable the corresponding mode and Network
Note: Network 6 has a high number limitation. It will only accept just under 2^24 = 16,777,216
which translates to approximately 777200 as the highest TG accessible.
New Installation or Upgrade from a previous versionType
sudo su
sudo git clone https://github.com/ve3zrd/DMRGateway-6
cd DMRGateway-6
./GWConfig.sh ## = HotSpot Number 0-9
Update This Version - DMRGateway-6 Type
cd /home/pi-star/DMRGateway-6
sudo su
git pull
make clean
make install
./GWConfig.sh ## = Hotspot number 0-9
Menu for the DMRGateway configuration script (GWConfig.sh)
1 "Create/Edit the DMRGateway Password File"
2 "Install DMRGateway & Update /etc/dmrgateway - Basic Mode"
3 "Select Network for Raw/Basic Mode 0-6 (default=0)
4 "Install DMRGateway & Update /etc/dmrgateway - 8 Digit Translation Mode"
5 "Install DMRGateway & Update /etc/dmrgateway - 7 Digit Translation Mode"
6 "Install DMRGateway NO Config File Update"
7 "Restore Original DMRGateway Binary File"
8 "Quit")
Item 1:
This will create and/or edit a password file. (Required for a new Install)
This is used to enable desired networks and allow an off line repository for
the Network security codes. This is mandatory for a new install.
Item 2, 3 and 4 Common:
This will overwrite the /etc/dmrgateway file with a default version and
will compile a new Binary if required and
will install the New Binary DMRGateway File
Item 2
will proceed with a limited configuration Using Basic Mode
In the Radio CPS use basic 31665 for 31665 on the Server
Key on Tg 9001 to 9006 to select Network 1 to 6
This will allow the use of 7 digit talk groups
Item 3
will select a network that will run in basic mode. A zero will default to no network in basic mode.
If selected this network will handle 7 digit talk groups with the rule
Item 4
will proceed with a limited configuration Using 8 Digit Translation Mode
In the Radio CPS use 14031665 for TG 31665 on Network 4 etc.
This will allow the use of 7 digit talk groups.
Item 5
will proceed with a limited configuration Using 7 Digit Translation Mode
In the Radio CPS use 4031665 for TG 31665 on Network 4 etc.
This is the same as the default Pi-Star gateway but will not allow
the use of 7 digit talk groups unless you select a raw mode network as described above.
Item 6:
will Ignore the existing Configuration File and
will Compile a new Binary if Required and
will Install the Binary File
Item 7:
will Restore the Original DMRGateway from /usr/local/bin/DMRGateway.orig
( If it exists )
CAUTION: This script can not possibly handle all users special situations
Use nano /etc/dmrgateway to check and configure what the script misses
Note 2021-06-19The Pi-Star update dated June 17, 2021 overwrites the DMRGateway Binary file with a Pi-Star Default.
Re-Running the ./binupdate.sh script in the DMRGatewa-5 directory will re-install DMRGateway-6 Binary
I have added a script in the DMRGateway-6 directory called GWConfig.sh That will help to install the DMRGateway and
Configure it according to information found in /etc/mmdvmhost.
Follow the instruction indicated below titled INSTALLATION of DMRGateway-6
The following is a typical rule set for Network 5 in 8 Digit Translation Mode
TGRewrite0=2,15000001,2,1,999999 // Talk groups 15000001 to 15999999 = 1 to 999999 Max 6 digits
TGRewrite1=2,1000001,2,1000001,5599999 //Allows use of 7 digit talk groups after Locking (use of any 8 Digit TG)
I: 2023-06-11 11:05:24.414 Rewrite RF: 2:TG15000001-TG15999999 -> 2:TG1-TG999999
I: 2023-06-11 11:05:24.414 Rewrite Net: 2:TG1-TG999999 -> 2:TG15000001-TG15999999
I: 2023-06-11 11:05:24.414 Rewrite RF: 2:TG1000001-TG6599999 -> 2:TG1000001-TG6599999
I: 2023-06-11 11:05:24.414 Rewrite Net: 2:TG1000001-TG6599999 -> 2:TG1000001-TG6599999
I: 2023-06-11 11:05:24.414 Rewrite RF: 2:15000001-15999999 -> 2:1-999999
I: 2023-06-11 11:05:24.414 Rewrite Net: 2:1-9999999 -> 2:TG0
XLX added to this version
Sending a TG9007 will turn on XLX Mode and shut down all DMR Networks
Note: Audio comes back on TG6, if turned on.
My Arrangement
8 Digit Mode
Net 1 BM 11xx
Net 2 DMR+ 12xx
Net 3 YSF2DMR (when used) 13xx
Net 4 TGIF 14xx
Net 5 MNET 15xx
Net 6 Not Used 16xx
I think of XLX as Network 7.
Contact ve3zrd@gmail.com for assistance